As much as we want it, you cannot become massage therapist by correspondence. In order to become licensed massage therapist in your state you have to graduate from a massage school, be approved by the state regulatory agency and obtain a certain number of credit hours. The number of credit hours is specific to your state. You can find out more about the process by clicking this link You are welcome to watch our free videos clips and read articles
If you are a new massage graduate or you practice massage different school of massage, would like to expand your professional range and learn medical massage, first you need to learn its basics that could be different from, for example, Swedish massage. To learn what is the basic difference between Medical Massage and Swedish massage please click here To learn the prerequisits to Medical Massage please study the following sections:
If you have been working in the Massage Industry for a while, would like to expand your professional palette, provide better and sustained results to your clients and acquire professional CE credits, you are welcome to take advantage of our
It often happens that if you read the book during the period of your maturity, you can read it in a different way, gaining much greater understanding and insights than the one you've managed to extract from it have you read the same book during your youth. The same is true about our CE program. If you've been working all your life doing the same thing over and over again, and are not satisfied with the results, if you would like to offer your client much more than what you have been able to provide, then our Medical Massage CE program is for you. Each of its protocols has been developed by scientists to target a specific disorder, and if used properly, would undoubtedly bring rapid and sustained results. So you are welcome to take advantage of our CE home program online or you can learn from the same Medical Massage Videos that are much more affordable.
You are not massage therapist but a person conscious of your health & well being Like you, millions of people in today's world are experiencing profound negative side effects of stress such as tension headaches, clinical depression, anxieties, hypertension, diabetes type 2, muscular aches, weak immune system and many other dysfunctions. According to many publications in medical journals and other professional media pain killers, anti-depressant, anti-anxiety medications alone work poorly in cases of the mentioned stress related illnesses and must be accompanied by natural methods of stress management like massage. Medical Massage is scientifically and clinically proven as most powerful methodology in stress management. Protocols of Medical Massage were developed by scientists and have proved themselves over time as safe and effective. As sources of stress are many and affect us continually, in order to keep it under control a person must receive stress management massage, at least, twice a week. This could be very costly both in terms of money and in terms of time. Therefore for people who are conscious of their health and well being we offer Medical Self-Massage protocols developed by internationally renowned expert in the field of Medical and Sports massage - Boris Prilutsky. You are welcome to take advantage of our For those who wants to do this right we offer
Many sports enthusiasts come to the doctor’s office with severe traumas that frequently require reconstructive surgeries. Most of the times, such instances are the result of untimely, not completed or incorrectly treatment of minor injuries. This happens because of the lack of financial capabilities, time, or a combination of things. People come to the doctor’s office and get anti-inflammatory injections; following this they use pain killers. Due to temporary inhibition of pain, injured athletes consider that at this phase, the rehabilitation is over and that they should continue with their sports activity. This is an absolutely wrong course of actions. Medical Massage is scientifically and clinically proven as most powerful methodology in stress management. Protocols of Medical Massage were developed by scientists and have proved themselves over time as safe and effective.To help sports enthusiasts in minimizing their chances to receive sports related injuries was the main reason for the creation for this series of Self-Treatment videos. With the help of medical self-treatment protocols athletes and sports enthusiasts could treat them in timely manner, correctly and inexpensively.Boris teaches the protocols that were developed by scientists. Not only these protocols are very effective, but they also are easy to learn and especially beneficial in a situation when a person cannot afford frequent and continuous visits to a rehabilitation facility.To take advantage of Self-Treatment protocols please
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