Massage Books

What is massage? Is it art, spiritual healing or part of modern medicine with a scientific approach to its therapeutic possibilities? The author offers the reader an opportunity to study and practice massage as a part of modern science. Inside this book, a reader will find comprehensive theoretical and practical information on this matter.

Another valuable feature of this book is its representation of the modern view on the physiology of pain, the gate control? theory of pain, and rules of using a pain analyzing system to patients benefit. If it is necessary to activate pain receptors during the treatment, measures to control pain are discussed as well.

In the special chapter “Hand as a therapeutic tool,” the author presents extremely valuable information for everyone who practices massage therapy. Readers will find many practical tips on how to effectively use their hands to be able to work longer and more productively, to prevent injuries during the massage treatment, and offers measures increasing hands? endurance and decreasing exhaustion.

Finally, the author summarizes and gives a detailed representation of more than 60 variations of 7 basic therapeutic techniques (effleurage, friction, kneading, vibration, percussion, compression, and stretching) employed by Western massage schools. Some of these techniques are used in Swedish massage, but some are quite unique. They were created during decades of experimental and clinical studies by scientists who shaped the Russian massage school.

The book is richly illustrated with 126 diagrams and photos.

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