Massage in Sitting Position

by: Boris Prilutsky

Chair massage or massage in sitting position shouldn’t be viewed as a cosmetic “feels good” procedure but as an effort in stress management. Most people carry stress in a form of elevated resting tone within cervical and upper back muscles. Soft tissue mobilization on these regions helps reducing many stress related side effects. (Please refer to the explanation on physiological effect of massage

as well as to Medical Stress Management Massage Therapy text).

At the same time I strongly believe that incorporation of extremities massage, can additionally contribute to the stress management effort. (Please refer to Medical Massage and Control of Arterial Hypertension). Since a special chair is not always available, I propose techniques of chair massage with no chair. Please keep in mind that all proposed techniques could be performed in a chair. The picture showing undressed model is for better visual effect. In reality, of course, we perform massage on a fully dressed person.

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