Workplace conditions that worsen stress

As we speak, humanity is facing stress-related pandemics. Look at the US data and statistics: 75% to 90% of visits to primary care physicians are cases of stress-related illnesses such as essential hypertension, foggy brain, inability to focus, muscular pains and aches, sleep disorders, tension headaches, and more. Another piece of evidence highlighting stress-related pandemics is the 48% to 50% increase in antidepressant and antianxiety prescriptions over the last three years. The question is, does it work?

To effectively manage stress and combat this pandemic, we must recognize the importance of stress management and understand the various sources that trigger the debilitation of stress. Many of us spend long hours in front of computers, experiencing a static load on neck and upper back muscles, coupled with intellectual involvement , electrical activities in the brain, resulting in emotional stress that snowballs into debilitation. While this is a significant example, it is only a small part of the larger picture. Regardless, if we do not manage stress, we will succumb to this pandemic.

Numerous medical massage programs that we offer are dedicated to real, clinically proven stress management. To take stress seriously, we must comprehend the pathway of stress debilitation.

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