My new Master Class

My new Master Class

I would like to delve into more fine details regarding sharing my personal mastery in successfully treating patients. The quote below is from my article linked below.

“when treating intervertebral disc herniation cases, in medical massage approach,the specific clinical assessment cannot be overstated. Not the size of the herniation, as well as not an a intensity of pain determining my treatment plan strategy. For me prior to start soft tissue examinations, as well as treatment, important to find out if patient didn't lose reflexes, such as developments of incontinence, as well as different forms of areflexia. In most cases, reflexes remain intact, and surgery is recommended only due to very intense pain. In such cases, our treatment can make a significant difference in a short period of time."

"I wouldn't be able to achieve all these results without appropriate, precise ice massage. I would never be able to deliver evidence of improvement quickly. This doesn't mean that people who don't apply ice massage won't achieve sustainable results; it just means that in these cases, we have very limited time to show evidence of improvement. Doctors may recommend surgeries, and if we don't deliver some evidence that treatment is working in a short period of time, people may give up and agree to surgeries. In addition to faster delivery of results, appropriately applied ice massage is proven to be the best anti-inflammatory effort, clinically proven to be better than non-steroidal or hormonal oral or injection medications. Please keep in mind that our main goal is to reduce inflammation and improve function. Ice massage is the most powerful addition. In difficult situations as I described, it must be done."

I have developed an instructional master class where I explain details and demonstrate specific ice massage techniques for cases of disk herniation, sciatica, hip disorders, knee disorders, restless leg syndrome, neck and upper back disorders, thoracic outlet syndrome, rotator cuff syndrome, tennis elbow, golf elbow, and carpal tunnel. All instructions are presented in one program.

With great conscience and conviction, I claim that appropriately applied ice massage magically improves the clinical picture to a much better state in a short period of time. For a limited time, we are offering this program for only $19.95. For more details, please click this link.

More about meaning and structure of master class

In this writing, I would like to share my personal views on the structure and meaning of a master class. Most likely, everyone would agree that a master class is a session where an experienced professional shares their knowledge with others who have an interest in learning from a particular expert.

I was trained in science-based medical and sports massage. This means I was trained in how to perform step-by-step massage protocols developed during research. This includes, but is not limited to, techniques for fascia release and mobilization, introductory procedures, the necessity of spending 50% of procedure time on kneading techniques, performing 12 different kneading techniques, the sequence of techniques, rules of pressure application, periosteum massage, and trigger point therapy. My professors and instructors trained me and others on how to perform safe and successful massage procedures.

All that I've mentioned above, and much more in detail, I teach through hands-on experience as well as detailed explanations in my programs, which are linked here. Massage Programs

The advantage for those who enroll in my programs compared to when I was trained is that you can watch my hands-on demonstrations and explanations repeatedly, always refreshing your acquired knowledge and potentially discovering more details. During my training, we didn't have the technological advantages available today."

One might say it sounds complicated, but during hands-on training, we can learn all I have mentioned in a very short period of time. It is possible and easy to learn specific protocols in a continued education setting; in most classes, it takes between 8 to 16 hours. Usually, the average duration of instructional videos is around two hours. As I have mentioned ,those taking these programs online have me available as an instructor forever. They must review the material three times, take notes, and then implement the techniques with patients.

In school, the most time-consuming aspect is spending hundreds of hours memorizing thousands of pages of textbooks on anatomy and physiology, which are often unnecessary in the treatment room. For us, it's important to learn limited material directly related to massage procedures, anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology but related to massage procedure.. Understanding the physiological effects of massage and the pathophysiology of the cases we treat is extremely important. When it comes to clinical work, we simply learn step-by-step hands-on protocols for certain cases.

All protocols were developed for us by scientists, making them simple and easy to understand and perform without complications and distractions.

Researchers vs. Instructors

Yes, researchers attain a higher level of knowledge during academic and/or clinical training and become masters in their fields of research. Instructors first learn ready-developed protocols and then successfully implement them on patients, often reproducing outcomes. They develop their own professional levels and then train students on how to deliver results safely and successfully. Throughout our careers, we develop our own mastery in medical and sports massage.

All techniques I teach in my instructional programs, including fascia release and mobilization, major kneading techniques, and more, as well as step-by-step massage protocols, are perfected in the treatment room. I pass on clinical details from my experience to you.

Please post agreements, disagreements ,questions, share your own experiences.

Best wishes.

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  • June 27 2024 11:55 PM boris
    In my old country, in fields of sports rehabilitative medicine, was guidance, must do ice massage. We used to fill out water into aluminium tea cups, at this time we didn't have plastic disposal cups. Using disposal cups, as I am teaching at my class, much more comfortable and easier to prepare ice. As far as I know, ice massage was must do at least for 65 years. It's proven to be superpowerful modality when treating soft tissue injuries, I mean acute conditions as I have described in my articles, and as it presented at patient reported outcome.
    Who have took my ice massage master class, thank you and please correct me if I am not correct describing content of the class.
    :”at my ice massage master class, when I am teaching, explaining mechanism, affect of ice massage on traumatized part of the body, being it applying ice massage on lower back, neck and upper back /disk herniations/muscular syndromes, applying ice massage on injured knee shoulders etc.,I am explaining:” short application of the ice massage, does significant decreasing local temperature. brain by nature, trying to fight significantly decreased local temperature practically in deepers layers of soft tissue and brain having only one opportunity to increase local temperature, by directing big amounts of arterial blood supply to the specific areas that we are choosing to address with ice. I am demonstrating and explaining specific areas, recommending to focus only on specific areas, this is the secret condition to achieve rapid results. And therefore maximum 7 to 10 minutes after ice massage application , people experiencing/sensing pleasant warm sensation, as an evidence of increased blood supply/ cold-induced vasodilation in deepers layers of injured soft tissue.
    Increased blood supply to the injured area, decreased swelling, means stimulating healing process. This why patient practically immediately reporting less pain, and improved functional abilities. Short application of ice massage is not an anesthesia blocking pain impulse , this is real therapeutic tool making different in people's life, including but not limited helping to prevent surgeries.
    Best wishes
    • August 28 2024 02:13 AM Orietta Maggie Fernandez
      Thank you Dr Piruvski , I am very fascinated with this subject . I believe that ice is powerful tool to promote tissue healing
  • June 07 2024 05:37 PM boris prilutsky
    "I have a friend who is not a massage therapist but was a professional dancer and continues to teach. He's my biggest fan, following my writings and always offers constructive criticism. He asked, 'What if people would use cold packs? Why do they have to learn techniques of ice massage?' It is a good question. In my instructional video, I explain the differences between cold pack applications and precise ice massage implementations. I can assure you that this is incomparable in terms of safety and effectiveness. The appropriate application of ice massage can truly lead to miraculous effects. I mean it.

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