The case presentation, the incredible power of manual acceleration of lymphatic drainage

The case presentation, the incredible power of manual acceleration of lymphatic drainage

When I arrived in the United States, the use of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) was initially limited to reducing lymphedema size. However, long ago, I was trained in performing full-body MLD for the sole purpose of detoxification. To avoid repetition, I will provide links to my articles at the end of this writing, which include detailed explanations.

I refer to a recent case presentation as "extreme power." Throughout my career, while providing full-body MLD for detoxification, I have witnessed the remarkable effectiveness of this treatment method.

I believe that as massage therapists and clinicians focused on outcomes, we should adopt a straightforward approach, avoiding the presentation style of MDs or PhDs, which may not be practical for massage therapists. I mean information not applicable and suitable for hands on procedure is destructive, not helping to achieve results.Therefore, I will present this case succinctly, focusing directly on the key points, including references to my articles.

Two weeks ago, a primary care physician called me regarding a case involving acute phase reactants/highest inflammatory markers .—A 71-year-old semi-retired lawyer who had contracted Covid-19 two months prior. At first he experienced high fever, muscular pain, weakness, and insomnia. Although his fever decreased and initial symptoms improved after five days, acute phase reactants persisted, with nightly extreme sweating requiring changing pajamas and bedsheets four times a night, significantly impacting his daily life.

All tests, including hematological tests, to explain the high inflammatory markers returned negative. Additionally, the patient did not exhibit typical long Covid symptoms such as memory loss, concentration issues, or heart palpitations.

In response to the physician's inquiry, I explained that extreme nighttime sweating indicated an excessive accumulation of metabolic waste/toxins in the patient's body, metabolic waste likely exacerbated by the dead Covid-19 virus remnants. I emphasized that detoxification procedures, as detailed in my articles (linked below), were crucial. On June 25, 2024, the patient underwent his third full-body detoxification procedure. Remarkably, after the second procedure, his extreme sweating ceased, indicating a reduction in metabolic waste accumulation. He reported increased energy levels and several nights of uninterrupted six-hour sleep.

Today, on June 28, the patient underwent a blood test. The doctor called to share astonishing news—the patient's inflammatory markers had dropped to almost normal levels. The doctor expressed amazement, noting it as a miracle. I reiterated that the simplicity and effectiveness of my techniques stem from the lymphatic system's primary role in eliminating metabolic wastes and how my methods accelerate this process.

Best wishes,

links to the articles

first steps learning medical and sports massage

for curious minds . Much longer reading on the subject

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