Recently I've produced a video "Can massage be promoted as detoxification methodology". In my video I explain there the natural physiology of lymphatic draining and the way how professor Chernikh took advantage of the natural process and developed this methodology.
In a few years after these events, he was called to a committee that investigated an odd phenomenon that happen to a group of researches situated in Bryansk forest. Bryansk forest was the military zone where several scientific labs were developing biological weapons. I knew this personally from the professor Chernikh. All these scientists who worked in these science labs, got overwhelming immunization, but constantly got infected, which meant that their immune system didn't work. All of them massively developed depressive disorder and muscular pain. When the committee investigated this phenomenon, it came to the conclusion that the cause of the major depressive disorder and muscular pain was excessive accumulation of metabolic waste. Combining this with the poor quality of water, food and tremendous stress (when you do something that evil it take a tall on your consciousness.) In addition to other symptoms they developed edemas. Analyzing all the above consideration and symptoms, professor Chernikh came to the conclusion that the reason for that odd phenomenon was excessive amounts of metabolic waste. So when we administer manual acceleration of lymphatic drainage, we also administer detoxification.
Today we are exposed to too much stress that debilitates us. Practically almost 80% of doctor visits such as anxieties, muscular pains, sleep disorders, high blood pressure are related to stress. Stress is also the main contributor to the decrease of quantities of disposal. Many people suffer significantly from massive depressive disorders referred by doctors and self-referred, who experienced muscular pain. We can do petrissage and all other treatments. But these treatments would be ineffective and people would continue taking anti-depressants and pain killers.
So the accumulation of metabolic waste is the reason why people experience all these symptoms. Therefore we cannot move forward until we do manual acceleration of lymphatic drainage. Especially the last 5 years, I assume that my patients have too much accumulated metabolic waste and therefore I always start the treatment from manual acceleration of lymphatic drainage. Especially when someone comes with the symptoms of major depressive disorders and I feel that my patient has edema, I cannot move forward until I administer manual acceleration of lymphatic drainage. Similarly for the people who don't experience these symptoms but whose immune system is compromised, I also administer this procedure. I also recommend doing this also for prevention purpose, before stress management massage. Again this is not petrissage, it's a very different technique and within my clip you can find how this technique should be administered. We all have to learn this technique and it has to be on our menu of services.
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