Holism vs. Holistic Approach

Welcome to the medical and sports massage educational page. For approximately the last 20 + years, healthcare professionals, alternative medicine practitioners, as well as the general public, have been discussing terms such as holism and holistic approach.

In my strong opinion, in such discussions to avoid confusions, misinformation, misunderstandings, mislabeling, we must be more specific when it comes to holism and holistic approach. Although holism means an intimate interconnection and functional dependency of all organs and systems, for example the holistic approach of clinical psychologists is absolutely different than the holistic approach of medical and sports massage practitioners. In fact, when discussing a holistic approach, we must be sure to address the holistic approach of individual healthcare methodology.

On this page, I will offer discussions about holism and the holistic approach in medical and sports massage. You are welcome to post questions, opinions, and share your own experiences. Post them here

Before we start our discussion on the holistic approach, I would like to remind us that any therapy must be about helping people achieve results/health improvement. When any healthcare professional talks about holistic views on the human body, they must detail how the treatment they are offering addresses disorders patients suffering from , incorporating holistic approach

For better understanding of holism in medical massage fields, I would like to start our discussion from holistic approach in cases of Diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, infertility, PMS, prostatitis or pre-existing pathological conditions may worsen.

In this presentation included link to my hands on demonstration. Please pay attention on simplicity when come to performing medical massage. Really easy to learn.

Abdominal / Visceral Massage

Between 30 to 35% of the left atria output is providing blood supply to the abdominal cavity. The same amount of venous blood has to be drained.

Stress negatively affects the functions of all of the body's organs and systems, including but not limited to natural venous blood drainage in the abdominal cavity. In case drainage is disturbed, much of the venous blood is accumulated. This abnormal state is called STASIS of the venous blood.

Stasis automatically disturbs the arterial blood supply. Once this blood supply is compromised, a negative snowball effect occurs, including inflammations within the abdominal cavity and various abnormalities such as diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, infertility, PMS, prostatitis or pre-existing pathological conditions may worsen.

In addition, venous stasis causes acid reflux disease. The lower esophageal sphincter is a valve that separates the stomach. Under normal circumstances it closes once food passes through this valve. However, due to venous stasis, lymphedemas, etc., this valve does not close entirely or opens up frequently. Therefore stomach acids move to and through the sphincter.

Besides disturbing the metabolic process within the abdominal cavity, venous blood stasis also fails to prevent bacterial infections from accumulating in the abdominal cavity.

For example, secondary to gastritis, venous stasis often leads to the development of bacterial infections and causes stomach ulcers. In some cases this chronic inflammatory condition can also trigger cancer development within the abdominal cavity.

Note: A non-septic inflammation is the body's attempt to overcome an insufficiency of the arterial blood supply. In this case the body reacts by producing acute inflammation. If the compromised amount of blood supply will be not restored, this inflammation gradually becomes chronic.

As a part of chronic inflammation, adhesions will often develop and the organs' dysfunction will worsen. Abdominal/visceral massage is the most powerful methodology in addressing venous blood stasis, reducing lymphedema, which promotes arterial blood supply.

This is a direct therapeutic technique to eliminate the inflammatory diseases described above. This includes the restoration of lower esophageal sphincter function and the elimination of its symptoms, preventing stomach acids from moving to and through the sphincter.

By achieving the above-mentioned goals, we improve the functions of the inner organs, including tension reduction within the smooth muscles of abdominal structures, and resulting reduction of abdominal and lower back pain. Importantly, we are also restoring functions of the affected organs and systems.

Abdominal/visceral massage contributes to stress management, but full-body stress management massage should be considered in order to maintain an improved health condition. I

The proposed techniques of connective tissue massage/fascia mobilization are necessary techniques in order to release tension within the fascia. These techniques must also be utilized even when the fascia does not exhibit tension. This is necessary because fascia is a very biologically active tissue and its stimulation leads to multiple positive changes in the functions of the body's organs and systems. These positive changes are synonymous with the healing process.

Medical Massage, including protocols of abdominal visceral massage, is not a remedy to all diseases. Rather, it is an extremely powerful therapeutic tool and must be incorporated alone with other medical procedures for most diseases. In the cases of abdominal visceral disorders, most pathological developments are the result of venous blood stasis and lymphedema.

Compared to abdominal/visceral massage, no other existing health care procedure, including medications, can attain such rapid elimination of venous stasis and reduction of lymphedema size. Elimination of the above-mentioned abnormalities promotes arterial blood supply, which is the gold-standard treatment of diseases in the abdominal cavity.

Below is my short explanation and hands-on demonstration of abdominal/visceral massage

At program#2 additionally to teaching, explaining and demonstrating hands-on on, full body stress management massage, I am teaching abdominal massage. For details please visit Hypertension, Dizziness, Headaches - CEU Volume #2 also additionally to teaching full body stress management massage, I am teaching abdominal massage at beyond couples full body stress management massage program. I refer to it as the best and much-needed production I has ever created in my 48 years of experience. For more details and to listen to a podcast-style additional presentation about this program, please visit: Beyond couples full body medical stress management massage - Volume #16

Body and Mind

It is impossible to separate the body and mind. Those who have been massage therapy practitioners for a long time sometimes witness clients’ emotional releases. Clients might cry, shake, demonstrate painless muscle constriction, or complain about a sensation of cold with the room temperature of 75°. Some report crying after the treatment. Usually, these releases happen when we apply kneading techniques to specific areas of the body. We call these areas “bookmarks” of emotional memories, stored somewhere in the brain.

While a student, I was told that everyone, even patients who are not crying out, releases this emotional garbage due to massage stimulation. When treating cases of anxieties, depressions, chronic pain, phantom pains, chronic pains, it is extremely important to clean up this emotional garbage. Empirical data/theory “body cells carry emotional memory exists a long time; I am familiar with and have used this knowledge for at least 50 years. Of course, every textbook, every professor clarifies for us: “body cells cannot carry memory because body cells don't have a brain to remember; it's stored somewhere in the brain; body cells carry bookmarks.”

Today, Melzlack‘s neuromatrix theory of pain and anxiety explains much more about the phenomenon of central sensitization of pain, emotions, etc. When we spend 50% of a procedure time on kneading, the human body reacts to original stimuli with multiple positive changes in functions of organs and systems. Therefore, during numerous repeated treatments, we achieve an approximate balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic activities. To understand the process and mechanism of how we are releasing emotional garbage, please read a short explanation of the physiological effect of massage on the human body Physiological effect of massage on the human body

As far as I know, back in the nineteen-seventies, our professors, MDs, and PhDs used to teach us that unless emotional garbage is cleaned, it would be practically impossible to get to the desired stabilized health. Practicing for 48 years, it became clear from treatment room experiences that by creating an action potential, somehow, from the areas of somatic bookmarks, we stimulate and awaken reactions - emotional releases.

From 2005 empirical data: “body cells carrying emotional memory” was clarified by scientific. professor Melzlack‘s neuromatrix theory of pain and anxiety, explaining much more about the phenomenon of central sensitization of pain, emotions, etc. repeating from physiological effect of massage on human body descriptions:” When we spend 50% of a procedure time on kneading, the human body reacts to original stimuli with multiple positive changes in functions of organs and systems. Therefore, during numerous repeated treatments, we achieve an approximate balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic activities, which is ultimate health.

Because all programs I am teaching hands-on, even with different technical approaches, are based on the same physiological effect of massage on the human body, a holistic approach in action is a fundamental part of medical and sports massage. Each of the programs, including but not limited to self-massage programs, fundamentally based on the holistic approach. for more information click the links below:

"Let's continue focusing on holism/body and mind approach, where the mind/brain is practically involved in every pathological development as well as in the healing process.

I have mentioned Melzlack‘s neuromatrix theory of pain and anxiety that explains the phenomenon of central sensitization of pain and negative emotions, what we are calling emotional garbage/emotional poison. Although sensitization of pain and emotional memory somehow interact, I believe we have to differentiate them for clinical understanding. I mean understanding should be specific. For example, phantom leg pain: the leg was amputated, but at the network of neurons/neuromatrix, which is like a memory box, the memory of long-time pain is recorded, and the brain generates pain in the leg that physically does not exist anymore. However, as I described in the physiological effect of massage, when at the time of massage we are massively generating the release of action potentials/electrical impulses, electrical charge that runs through the hypothalamus to the cortex, on this pathway, these impulses also massively stimulate the network of neurons/neuromatrix/brain, and delete these memories, stimulating cleanups of these memories, memories that used to generate pain, and the person stops experiencing phantom leg pain.

When we are addressing painful chronic conditions of the lower/upper back, etc., and successfully addressing causes of pain such as buildups of tension within muscles and fascia, trigger points, we consider sensitization of pain/memory of chronic pain and spend some extra treatments, performing 50% of time procedure kneading techniques to clean up this negative memory that can generate pain even when we successfully eliminated causes for pain. By the way, I believe if a person is suffering from a painful condition for 2 months or longer, we should consider it a chronic condition and consider sensitization of pain. Usually, after successfully providing additional numerous treatments, I personally switch to full-body medical stress management massage, eliminating memories. I would like to stress and repeat again, these brain/neuromatrix memories, if not cleaned up, if not stimulated out, this phenomenon of central sensitization, can generate pain without any objectives. Cleaning up the memory of chronic pain is a must-do in chronic conditions to sustain results.

Emotional Garbage Accumulations/Poisoning vs. Memory Pain

Let's talk about emotional garbage. Since we can remember growing up, the network of neurons/neuromatrix/negative memory box collects everything: childhood disappointments, maybe a real emotional and/or physical trauma.Or It could be something not significant but young people’s interpretation, like a tragedy stored in the brain. It could be something forgettable, but the neuromatrix/negative memory box keeps these memories, and poisons our lives, causing anxieties, sleep disorders, tension headaches, and many other stress-related illnesses. This emotional garbage can be a significant source of stress, additionally to stressful routines. Full-body stress management massage cleans up this emotional garbage. None of us know how much emotional garbage a person accumulates. In order to stabilize, we have to receive at least 15 full-body medical stress management massage treatments and then be involved in maintenance.

Attn: significant consideration

Being it central sensitization painful chronic conditions cases ,or anxieties headaches, clinical depression, sleep disorders secondary to accumulation of emotional garbage/poisoning, constant conscious and subconscious fear for a future , where all this health conditions goes, is a tremendous fuel for neuromatrix/negative memory box activities. Full body stress management massage, suppressing this fears.

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